

7,250 dirhams per month, this is the average price of a long-term rental apartment in Morocco in the second quarter, according to Mubawab's Tensiomètre locatif. This article is a press review from the daily Aujourd'hui le Maroc. From the cheapest to the most expensive, long-term rentals in the second quarter are deciphered by Mubawab in the new edition of its...

Real estate assets in Q2-2022: Mixed indicators with encouraging signs

In light of the note by Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) and the National Agency for Land Conservation, Cadastre and Cartography (ANCFCC) on real estate assets, there has been an improvement in the sector. Explanations. It is customary to say: "When construction is going well, everything is going well". This adage is very apt after the publication by Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) and the National Agency for...

Real estate market: Sales in the red

They fell by 22.5% compared to the second quarter of 2021 Real estate transactions show a sharp decline in the second quarter of the year. The overall market trend noted at the end of June by Bank Al-Maghrib and the National Agency for Land Conservation, Cadastre and Cartography (ANCFCC) shows a decrease of 22.5% in real estate transactions compared to the...

Property income: here are the measures planned by the 2023 Finance Bill

As part of the implementation of the framework law on tax reform aimed at the progressive application of the principle of taxation of the total income of individuals, it is proposed to reinstate the taxation of the annual total income of these individuals according to the rates of the progressive IR scale, with application of withholding tax. Thus, the obligation to file the...

Bank Al-Maghrib raises its key rate to 2.5%

The Board of Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), meeting on December 20, decided to raise the key rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 2.50%. "To prevent any de-anchoring of inflation expectations and encourage the return of inflation to rates in line with the objective of price stability, the Board decided to raise the key rate by 50 basis points to 2.50%," explained BAM...

Amine Mernissi: The year 2023 will write a new roadmap for real estate

"The year 2023 will write a new roadmap for real estate," said real estate expert Amine Mernissi, estimating that "the 2023 Finance Act has laid the first milestones." But for the author of the "Répons'IMMO" guide, "the main thing remains to give visibility to a vital sector. Afterwards, there is the national economic situation which is also dependent on a...

Real estate: the outlook for 2023 remains very uncertain

The recovery of the sector remains dependent on several issues such as housing assistance that is still awaited, or the indecision of households who are postponing their purchase decision. Demand, already drained, will suffer further due to the rise in real estate rates, and the large listed real estate companies could experience a slight negative effect on their adjustable rate debts this...

Real estate: decryption of the BAM/ANCFCC note

Here are five key points from the note by Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) and the National Agency for Land Conservation, Cadastre and Cartography (ANCFCC) on the real estate asset price index (IPAI) and the overall trend of the real estate market in 2022: 1. The IPAI depreciated by 0.7% in 2022 compared to 2021, 2. Residential prices fell by 1.3%, while those of properties...

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